New Year, New Workflow: Templates and Clean Up for a Seamless Client

redtail webinar with stephanie dannebaum

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I have an amazing opportunity to conduct a Practice Management Takeover with Redtail Technology today! 

What is a Practice Management Takeover? 

Once a month, Redtail Technology partners with a professional in the industry to provide Redtail Technology users with best practices, insights, and to discuss strategy. If you are new to this webinar series, I highly recommend checking out Redtail Technology’s Youtube channel and Help Desk to watch the webinars from other professionals such as myself. 

What will I be reviewing during my Practice Management Takeover? 

Redtail Technology’s Jacqueline Anderson and I will discuss how to set up firms for CRM success in 2023! My presentation will include how we help firms with CRM implementation, discuss the use of templates, and a jump into the software itself to build out a real workflow! A must see event! 

Necessity of Templates

First, we will explain the importance of templates. After years in the industry, I have found most clients will follow what we like to call a Client Phase Roadmap. 

These Phases Include:

  1. Lead
  2. Prospect
  3. Onboarding
  4. Financial Planning
  5. Strategic Allocation
  6. Ongoing Maintenance
  7. Client Review

Although some firms may or may not follow all of these phases exactly, it is important for Redtail CRM users to understand how they can utilize the software for their custom client experience. 

Each piece in the roadmap has complimentary tools to streamline the process. Templates are one of the best ways firms can initiate repeatable processes. You’re probably most familiar with email templates and mail merge templates. 

Very similar in functionality, the 4 newest and major templates available include:

  1. Note templates
  2. Activity templates
  3. Workflow templates
  4. Automation templates

These have been built to work hand in hand for a firm to be most successful. 

By definition these tools are all different and serve a unique purpose: 

  • Notes are for history (What just happened?)
  • Activities are for the current and future (What do you need to do?)
  • Workflows are for a process (What is the sequence?) 
  • Automations are for input minimization (An if, then statement)

Together they help firms maintain the same level of service for Client #284 and for Client #1.

New Year Workflow

After reviewing the importance of templates, we will dive right into a demo of Redtail CRM. The purpose of this demo is to see firsthand how to build out a workflow template. Although the building of a workflow may seem daunting, it is well worth the time investment. 

Why? Because if you will be completing repeatable processes, there is no reason to reinvent the wheel each time!

You have to remember that it is impossible to remember everything. A fully utilized, fully functional CRM is going to act as your second brain. This new year workflow compliantly and strategically scans your CRM for data entry mistakes and makes it operational for what’s next, like client reviews and hitting the field to prospect. 

The workflow template I will be demonstrating is a great internal workflow template we like to call, “New Year Workflow.” It includes various activity management and contact management tasks a firm can complete at the beginning of each year to prepare for the chaos to come that is things like taxes and RMD’s. 

Watch the recording and the workflow build process demonstrated step-by-step here.

Also, take a look at our guest blog with Redtail!

I discuss CRM as your competitive advantage with tips and tricks to increase staff adoption.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our CRM Consulting services.

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