Would you invest in a new software or technology, even if it only saved you a few minutes a day?
According to Michael Kitces, the key is to buy software, “to simplify something, to speed something up, or to fully automate any repeated task. No matter how minor”. If a task can not be completed with software, it is important to delegate that task instead of taking it on as the Advisor. As Kitces believes this is how he can, “focus all of [his] time on what [he] can do to maximize the growth and success of [his] business”.
Case Study
Software: Calendly, Zapier, Wealthbox CRM
A prospect signs up for a discovery meeting with Advisor A through their website using a calendar scheduling tool such as Calendly. Utilizing an automation tool such as Zapier could take the contact information gathered when the prospect scheduled the discovery meeting and automatically create a contact record in WealthBox CRM instead of having Advisor A or one of their staff members duplicate the details into Wealthbox CRM.